Thank you for being a part of the Calgary Tritons Summer Swim Team this summer. As the season wraps up, we would like to hear feedback about the season. Replies are anonymous, however we will ask for certain information to assist in evaluating the responses.

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Did your swimmer enjoy the swim season?
Do you feel your swimmer improved this year?
On a scale of 0 to 10 with O being Below Average, 5 Being Good and 10 being Amazing, please rate the coaching your swimmer received this season.
How would you rate the amount of training time your swimmer had in the pool? (Please exclude the time spent out of the pool for situations beyond the our control- ie: the water main break and pool closures from the City of Calgary/MRU/MNP)
How would you rate the amount of communication you received from the club?
How would you rate the social events for the club this year?
Were there enough volunteer opportunities (to earn your family points)?
Do you plan on returning next season?